Thursday, April 22, 2010

Inclusion Module

This was an online module I did for EDSE 201. We didn't have class and so we had a choice of doing this or going to a panel on Special Education. I needed to help my wife with our kids last night so she could get a little break, so I didn't go to the panel. So I did this module instead.
It was fun to review what we had already learned about inclusion. The videos we watched were really good. The videos were of a meeting that a mom of a student with special needs was having with those involved in her daughter's education. They were informative and it was good to see the mother being so strong in the videos. She had suggestions and everyone was willing to listen and implement what the mother said. They didn't treat her like she had no idea what she was talking about. That was refreshing.
I also enjoyed answering the questions at the end of a case study. They challenged me to think about what I have been learning this semester and putting it into practice. This was good as I will be involved in these kinds of situations as a Speech-Language Pathologist. I am glad I got to do this and be put to the test!

1 comment:

  1. I think you will be a well informed speech pathologist. I'm glad you were able to see the relevance in the module.
