Monday, April 26, 2010

The Ringer

I wanted to stay away from another movie (even though I only have two others), but this movie was worth noting on this blog. It is a movie about a guy who needs some money really fast. His uncle gets the idea for him to fake being someone with a developmental disability in order to win the Special Olympics. His roommates figure out what is going on and decide they want him to continue faking it so he can beat the Special Olympic favorite, Jimmy Washington. I won't say what all happens, but our faker main character realizes that his new, developmentally disabled friends are indeed, special. But not just in that way.

When I first heard about this movie, I thought, "No way!" I didn't think this movie would be any good because it would just be making fun of those with disabilities. The writers of the movie were the same ones that did "Dumb and Dumber" and "Stuck On You" so I thought it would be another, irreverent comedy. Also, Johnny Knoxville was the main character and he is best known for his work on "Jackass" on MTV. I didn't think it would be any good. Before I watched it though, I heard that they wrote they script and sent it to those in charge of the Special Olympics to get their approval. They got their approval.

They even loved that Johnny Knoxville was going to be the star. In the extras, one of the main people in charge of Special Olympics talked about why that was. He said that he asked some of their athletes what they thought about Johnny Knoxville being in the movie and they thought that was a great idea because they said that all of the kids that watch "Jackass" are the ones that call them "retards." At one point in the movie, the main character's uncle says, "'tard" and the main character stands up and says to never, ever say that word again. It was a good moment in the movie and the athletes liked that part because if Johnny Knoxville said to never say the word "retard" again, those kids might listen and not say it.

I really liked this movie because it was sensitive to the people who have developmental disabilities. It didn't make fun of them. It treated them with the utmost respect. It also brings to light the fact that just because someone has a disability, it does not mean that they are stupid or incapable of doing anything. It also breaks down barriers that people have who just don't know how great those with disabilities can be. It also hammers anyone who uses the word "retard" which I especially like, since that word is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

1 comment:

  1. I have been avoiding this movie, thinking as you did but now I'm going to have to see it.
